Announcing the 2015 Seeds of Loving Kindness American Tour – May 30 to October 30

SEEDS OF LOVING KINDNESS AMERICAN TOUR May 30th – October 30th, 2015 Ganga and Tara are beginning the 2015 Seeds of Loving Kindness American Tour on May 30th. This will be their fifth tour of America since 2010. In the past five years they have given over 600 spiritual events throughout America. Anyone who would … [Read More]

Ganganath and Tara Leela’s “Wisdom of the Mystic Masters” American Tour – May 15th to Sept. 15, 2020

Wisdom of the Mystic Masters NORTH AMERICAN TOUR May 15 – Sept 15, 2020   Last year, we spent 10 months touring America, drove over 30,000 miles and gave over 150 free multimedia presentations on the Siddha Saints of India to over 3,000 people in 30 states. The presentation met with overwhelming positive response coast … [Read More]

Ganganath Speaks at Feeding of the Poor, Bangalore, India

Ganganath and Tara Leela were invited to attend the Thai Poosam celebration held at the Vadalur Sri Jothi Ramalinga Swamigal Sanamarkka Sangam in Bangalore, where the poor have been fed continually since 1972. Ganganath addressed the assembly telling them that India has a special purpose as the spiritual heart of the world and a great … [Read More]

Ganganath Speaks to the Assembly at Vadulur, Tamil Nadu, India

Ganganath was invited to speak to the assembly of several thousand people at the Temple of Wisdom in Vadalur, Tamil Nadu, India. He spoke on the subject of why the modern world desperately needs the ancient wisdom of the Siddhas. For the full text of the speech click here.