Speech: Ganganath Speaks at Feeding of the Poor in Bangalore

Gonga speaks at Feeding of the Poor in Banglore India

Ganganath speaks at Feeding of the Poor in Banglore India

On February 17, 2008, Ganganath and Tara Leela were invited to attend the Thai Poosam celebration held at the Vadalur Sri Jothi Ramalinga Swamigal Sanamarkka Sangam in Bangalore, where the poor have been fed continually since 1972. Ganganath addressed the assembly telling them that India has a special purpose as the spiritual heart of the world and a great destiny to share the wisdom of the Siddhas with those throughout the world who are thirsty for enlightenment.

Text of Ganganath’s Speech at Thai Poosam and Feeding of the Poor in Bagalore, India

Arut Perun Jyoti (Infinite Grace Light)
Arut Perun Jyoti (Infinite Grace Light)
Thani Perun Karunai (Infinite Compassion)
Arut Perun Jyoti (Infinite Grace Light)

It is a great honor to be here today at this celebration of Thai Poosam in Bangalore. My wife and I came to India because the wisdom of the Siddhas drew us here. When we were young children growing up in America, we heard stories of yogis and enlightened masters in India. Everywhere in the world, when people think of India they think of enlightenment. The country of India has a special purpose in the family of nations to preserve precious spiritual teachings and it has a special destiny to share those teachings with all of humanity.

Over the centuries, India has produced many great yogis, sadhus, avadhuts, rishis and Maharishis, going all the way back to the Vedic seers who cognized the Vedas. Ramalinga Swami, Vallalar, was one of the greatest of the great. He attained a rare state of spiritual development by purifying his physical body and ultimately merging his body with the Grace Light, the Light of God. There have been other great masters who merged with the Light of God, but what makes Ramalingta Swami unique is that he wrote extensively about how he accomplished this and he explained in detail how every human being can attain this state of perfection. This is the great message of the Siddhas of India. It is not that they are special and different from us. The message of the Siddhas is that they demonstrate through their lives what we all can be by becoming one with God, beings of infinite love, wisdom and compassion.

I would like to share my experience with you. I am 60 years old and I have lived in the largest cities in America; New York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles. I’ve also traveled to many countries around the world and what I have experienced is that, while the West has much material wealth, there is also great spiritual poverty there. People in the West are thirsty for the spiritual wisdom that has been preserved in India for ages. You, as Indians, are the custodians of profound spiritual wisdom that people around the world need now. Please bless us that we may be successful in bringing the wisdom of the Siddhas back from India in order to share this spiritual treasure with the people of the world who are in soul pain and are longing for enlightenment.

Arut Perun yhoti (Infinite Grace Light)
Arut Perun Jyoti (Infinite Grace Light)
Thani Perun Karunai (Infinite Compassion)
Arut Perun Jyoti (Infinite Grace Light)

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